Bridge Ransomware Solutions

Helping you with security programs to make sure your data is safe!

Are You Currently Under Attack?

How You Are Being Attacked

There are several ways the the attackers attack you. The most destructive type is the crypto ransomware and it encrypts the important data like your pictures, documents with the basic computer functions. You can literally see your files but cannot access. 

Similarly, you can be attacked through some fake adobe flash update on compromised websites, cloud based office 365 users, massive social engineering campaigns targeting human resources departments, benign email messages disguised as an invoice

Average Daily Ransomware Attacks
Organizations Victimized in 2021
0 %
Attack rate after paying off First ransom
0 %

Ransomeware Types 

Do you know how you’re being attacked? Here are the ransomeware types that you might be facing.


It infects your computer and then searches for files to encrypt. This includes anything on your hard drives and all connected media.


Cerber targets cloud-based Office 365 users. It encrypts your files and then holds them hostage.

Golden Eye

GoldenEye spreads through a massive social engineering campaign that targets HR departments. 


This attack spread through computers operating Microsoft Windows. It demands payment in Bitcoin data return.


Crysis is done manually by use of weak RDP passwords, malicious mail attachments, or by offering download as an installer for a software. 


Jigsaw is first strain that actually deletes files. It is activated if a user downloads a malware program.

Bad Rabbit

Disguised as an Adobe Flash installer, a Bad Rabbit attack spreads through drive-by downloads on compromised websites.


Cryptowall is a Trojan horse that encrypts files on the jeopardized computer and hides from its victims.


It usually spread through seemingly benign email message disguised as an invoice,  advises you to enable macros if the file appears unreadable. 

What We Do

Ransomware Readiness Plan

The 10K Solution

Bridge Security Advisors help you prepare, detect, and respond to malware incidents, inclusing ransomware. We wake a focused approach to looking for specific ransomware vulnerabilities.

Current State Assessment

  • Our Current State Assessment includes a vulnerability assessment against specific ransomware threats.

Risk Analysis

  • We represent existing Malware detection and response controls along with coverage and residual risk areas. 

Recommendations & Plan

  • A document is being generated where which acts as a remediation tracking tool for incremental efforts. And based on it, recommendations are put forward.

How We Do It

The 10K Solution

Helping You Prepare, Detect & Respond

We bring end-to-end Bridge Ransomware Attack solution using the rThreat Emulation Tool. Here is the process we work on to provide you the QuickStart Assessment

Bridge Attack Emulation

Bridge Attack Emulation

Most Common Ransomwares

Here are the ransomware types that you might be facing. If you feel Susceptible to any of these, Get Solution right now!

CryptoLocker encrypts your files including anything on your hard drives and all connected media. The virus will display warning screens indicating that your data will be destroyed if you do not pay a ransom.
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Cerber targets cloud-based Office 365 users. It encrypts your files and then holds them hostage. Victims inadvertently install the ransomware onto their devices as a result of phishing emails, infected websites, or malvertising.
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This attack spread through computers operating Microsoft Windows. It encrypts files on the PC's hard drive, making them impossible for users to access, then demands a ransom payment in bitcoin in order to decrypt them.
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Golden Eye
GoldenEye spreads through a massive social engineering campaign that targets HR departments. This version of the malware is distributed as a DLL with an EXPORT that changes with each sample.
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Crysis is done manually by use of weak RDP passwords, malicious mail attachments, or by offering download as an installer for a software. This ransomware drops a copy of itself in multiple locations.
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Jigsaw is first strain that actually deletes files. It is activated if a user downloads a malware program. As time goes on, more than one file is deleted every hour, that number increases each time the 60 minute timer is reset.
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Bad Rabbit
Disguised as an Adobe Flash installer, a Bad Rabbit attack spreads through drive-by downloads. While the target is visiting a legitimate website, a malware dropper is being downloaded from the threat actor’s infrastructure.
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Cryptowall is a Trojan horse that does much more than just encrypt your files it tries to hide inside the OS and adds itself to the Startup folder. CryptoWall deletes volume shadow copies of your file.
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It usually spread through seemingly benign email message disguised as an invoice,  advises you to enable macros if the file appears unreadable. 
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BSA Helps You With

Malware Readiness Solution

Brisge Security Advisors help victims with Malware Readiness Solution in which it ensures that your organization is taking risk appropriate steps to prevent, respond to, and recover from malware incidents. Below is what customers get with our malware readiness!

Review Your Architecture

At BSA, We review your architecture and evaluate your detection, prevention, and response capabilities. We represent existing malware detection and response controls along with coverage and residual risk areas.

Plan of Action

Here we control the matrix of ongoing and required changes, projects or programs. Each item is rated by risk and magnitude and rThreat attack emulation plan is built in order to perform the actions.

Recommendations & Milestones

With the proper implementation, a document is being generated where which acts as a remediation tracking tool for incremental efforts. And based on it, recommendations are put forward.

All high priority efforts will then be further expanded into a prioritized, milestone-based roadmap. It will be a detailed view of the tasks and efforts necessary to fulfill our recommendations.

What We Use

Bridge Attack Emulation

Powered By rThreat

Bridge Attack Emulation provides assessment by taking surveys of the customer security environment, detects endpoints and build an attack emulation plan accordingly. At BSA, we partner with rThreat for the emulation tool and make sure to take care of the customer’s assets. Below are the factors that we work on and deliver the results. 

Covers the Network Zones

rThreat tool validating each artifact that travels through the network even when they possess advanced obfuscation and encryption mechanisms through a shipping and control algorithm based on asymmetric encryption.

Interacts with Detection Controls

By the use of rThreat Platform, we interact with the detection control, monitor callbacks and laterla movements. It is installed as an AWS instance on the cloud and is given access to an agent within the organization that holds all security controls.

Attacks Multiple Endpoint Targets

This Zero-Trust platform enables users to rapidly identify security gaps, address vulnerabilities, and optimize solutions for customers. It measures Multiple endpoint vectors for traditional cybersecurity.

Delivers Results & Analysis Cross

In rThreat Platform, Each package and artifact is aligned to the MITRE framework and the Attack Life Cycle, allowing for greater visibility of the attack sent. It is also possible to validate if the artifact evaded network security, and if its execution was successful at the endpoint. .

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6 Wexford Ct Warren,NJ 07059

Download These Free Resources

Malware Readiness Datasheet

rThreat Datasheet